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A journey through legends, songs, historical and architectural beauty

The Bosphorus, one of the most special geographies in the world, is full of beauty all throughout. These beauties combined with legends, fairy tales and poems, have become the subject of songs and novels, and an unforgettable place in everybody's mind with a world cultural heritage. There is also a legend of the birth of this waterway connecting the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Black Sea. It is also a remarkably interesting legend. In Greek mythology, Zeus, the god of the gods, falls in love with the beautiful Io. Io is a slender, innocent young girl with a pure beauty. However, Zeus is married to Hera. Although Zeus tries to hide his love, Hera finds out. Zeus then turns Io into a white cow in order to hide her. Hera finds this out too and gets a stubborn horse fly to infect Lo. Lo, who is constantly running around to get rid of this fly, smashing the mountains and shaking her horns from left to right, unwittingly opening this waterway between the Marmara and the Black Sea. That is why the name of the Bosphorus is Bosphorus, the Cow Passage.

Now, are you ready for a journey on the Bosphorus full of history, art, architecture, legends and fables?